Welcome to the Alpha-Alpha chapter website

Midland Lutheran College, Fremont NE

Welcome to the Alpha-Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi. Founded in 1925, Beta Sigma Psi is a national Lutheran college fraternity, which seeks to maintain the Lutheran traditions and provide college men an environment to develop scholastically, spiritually and socially while away from home.

What makes Beta Sigma Psi unique?
Scholastic achievement is one of our primary goals. Members routinely post grades above college and fraternity averages and many of them continue on to post-graduate studies. We offer scholarships, study hours and programs to assist every student's fundamental needs.

Beta Sigma Psi is the nucleus that bonds college men of similar faith. Founded upon the traditions of the Lutheran church, we offer members a unique opportunity to embrace their Lutheran heritage, helping them establish a strong brotherhood with fellow believers and grow in their personal faith.

Beta Sigma Psi brothers not only develop strong Christian and social character through the numerous house and campus activities, but they also develop bonds with one another that they'll cherish for the rest of their lives. Members are active in campus, church and community activities as well as with their chapter's social programs. Part of a well-rounded education, to us, is developing personal integrity and character through active participation in various clubs, committees and activities campus-wide.

Why become a Beta Sig?
Scholarships, brotherhood, leadership, values, social opportunities, athletic opportunities and chapter-house living are all excellent reasons to become a Beta Sig.

Leadership after graduation
- Beta Sig alumni include successful governors, senators, pastors, corporate CEOs and board members, physicians, attorneys, engineers, business entrepreneurs, military officers, teachers and many more positions that play a vital role in our country and economy.

- Beta Sigs take active leadership roles in their church. In fact, more than 75-percent of our alumns report having held officer positions in their home congregations.

- As Christians, Beta Sigs provide spiritual leadership to their families, helping to raise their children with Christ-centered values, while instilling in them the importance of being active in their church, community and world.

Alpha-Alpha Chapter website

About the Alpha-Alpha Chapter
On May 5, 2001 the Alpha-Alpha Chapter became the newest active chapter of Beta Sigma Psi after three years as the Zeta-Delta colony.

The twelve founding fathers of the A-A Chapter include Joshua Carlson, Phillip Sanders, Philip Marburger, Jacob Clark, Shaun Geisert, Geoff Kline, David Luebbe, Jeremy Marburger, John Mayo, Adam Quy, Bryant Kaden and Benjamin Schroeder.

The chapter has grown from 12 to a membership of 21, 11 actives and 10 associates as of April 3, 2003.

National Beta Sigma Psi website